Katie's Peace Corps Blog

I'm going to Ukraine with the Peace Corps!!

FYI: This in no way represents views of the Peace Corps or US Government. It also doesn't represent any views that are other than my own.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


In case I haven’t told anyone this year. I have the most amazing boyfriend on the planet! Yup! I do! He sent me flowers at work, which brightened up this Tuesday morning. I have a little more than a year to go before I get to see him but I think it will be a year well worth it :o)

On different news- 81days until I leave :o) Written like that, seems like a long time. But knowing the long list of items I still need to buy and the longer list of things I still need to do along with the working until Jan 31st 81 days doesn’t feel like enough time. I really want to do soo much and see everyone before March 25th. I know all of it isn’t going to happen but I’d like to try. I think I’m going to finish the shopping aspect first. Well mostly b/c I’m still getting paid now and well shopping is just fun. And I’d rather do the fun parts first. I have an IKEA trip planned for Thursday with some of my favorite girlies :o)

Tentative plans- I think right now, although my parents might or might not know it. I have going to have a going away party the weekend before I leave which is the weekend of the 16th-18th. Write it on your calendar!! (It might change to the weekend before if that is better for more people)

People with TIVO (and well everyone else too) - FYI: You will be burning me copying of TV shows and movies. If you want to know what to get me know before I leave. The answer is burned copies of every movie and cd you own. (Mirs- those Sex and the City DVD you have, yup! those too) I’m not joking. I will be bored (HELLO – remember the million hour flight I’m going to take) and I will love you forever for it. (Not as much as Justin though, b/c nothing can beat flowers at work)

Emily, Elyse and anyone else that wants to come- June 2009 (yes, I know it is super long way away but I’m telling you to start saving now!) A 6 day trip to Vienna, Prague and Budapest (2 days in each city) including airfare from NYC is about $1200. (So 8 days total, 2 for flights) And let’s say $300 for spending while we’re there so that’s a total of $1500. Yes. That is a lot of money for all you people saying it’s too much to come see you. But think about it this way. June 2009 is 2 ½ years away. That is 30 months. $1500 divided by 30 months is $50 a month. You need to save $50 a month to be able to spend 6 days in 3 countries with 1 amazing friend :o) If you would like to come before then you are also welcome :o) (p.s. that might beat flowers at work)

Christmas and New Years went great for me and I hope it was for you too :o) byes


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